Meadow Lake in Round Rock

Meadow Lake in Round Rock



Meadow Lake is lake of about 50 acres in a subdivision on the north east side of Round Rock. Boats are allowed, but no outboard motors. The only parking is on the street (Settlement Drive) that runs past a park by the lake. There is no launch ramp; you will have to carry your floatation about 50 yards to the water. The lake is open (there are few hills or trees) and exposed to the wind, so fishing can be a a struggle on a windy day, depending on what type of floatation you use. There is good access for bank fishing.

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Sept 14, 2006. Looking toward Meadow Lake from the nearest parking spaces on Settlement Drive

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Sept 14, 2006. From the northwest end of the dam, looking north

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Sept 14, 2006. From the northwest end of the dam, looking northeast

Texas Parks and Wildlife has done a 2013 Fisheries Assessment .